通常入户门均采用传统的颜色,例如红色、黑色、擦色木纹等。 您也可能见过一些蓝色、绿色和灰色的入户门,对吧?但这段时间以来,您可能会留意到邻居家的前门颜色开始流行起了一些明亮的颜色了。
Front doors come in traditional colors
like red, black, stained wood. You've probably seen some blue, green, and gray
front doors too, yes? You may even be noticing some brighter colors popping up
around the neighborhood these days.
那么,您的入户门“应该”选用什么样的颜色呢? 入户门的颜色有什么具体规定吗? 不,没有规定。
So, what color
'should' your front door be? Are there any rules for front door
Nope. Not really.
It just has to look great with your house
and make you feel happy when you come home.
Here are 16 door colors that could be
perfect for you along with some exterior color palette tips to help you bring
it all together.
如果您选择了一扇经典的红色门,你仍然可以保持它的新鲜感。 您选择一种现代风格的朴实红色,把门和门框涂刷成相同的颜色。 对于白色系的房子,您可以考虑采用黑色的窗户或百叶窗。 这样整个房子的外观看起来会更柔和,也会感觉房子更大、更明亮。
If you go with a classic red door, you
can still keep it fresh. Look for a modern earthy red, and paint the door and
door trim the same color. For white houses, consider only using black for the
windows or shutters. It's a softer look that also feels bigger and
对于深色系的房子,深红色的大门可以使得房子立面与装饰线条之间的对比没有那么强烈。 您可以选用柔和的米白色或者纯白色来装饰线条。 通常在这种情况下,较低的对比度,会让整个房屋看起来感觉更饱满和时尚。
For darker houses, a deep lipstick red
door can be amazing with lower contrast between the body and trim. Look
for muted off-white trim color vs. stark white. Lower contrast in this case
will feel more rich and sophisticated.
Light gray blue exteriors
are surprisingly versatile for front door colors. So have some fun!Yellow
doors like this have been popular for a few years now and show no signs of
going away just yet.
Here's the same house with a stunning
poppy color for the front door.
alert: I
don't want to sway you too much, but this is the scheme you just might see on
my house when we finally get it painted- sshhh
您甚至可以使用经典的黑色以及与之搭配的这个方案! 我喜欢这种忧郁的黑色烘托下的淡淡蓝色房子的感觉。 找到合适的颜色,与其说是“搭配”,不如说是找到一种能给你最佳感觉的组合。
You can even use
classic black with this scheme! I love how this moody black brings out the blue
in the house color. Finding the right color is less about 'matching' and more
about discovering a combination that gives you the best feeling.
漂亮的粉红色系在我们家里一直占有一席之地。 在近几十年以来,我们能在从壁纸、地毯、瓷砖、胶木、浴缸甚至到抽水马桶等很多家居物品上发现类似的玫瑰粉色!
Pretty pinks have
always had a place in our homes. In nearly every decade we find rosy
colors on everything from wallpaper, carpeting, tiles, and formica to tubs and
even toilets!
Soft blushy hues for
front doors are trending hard right now! I love it, it's nice to see this color
become less about gender and more about optimism and joy.
既然近段时间以来,我们会越来越多地表达自我,就不要害怕将您的粉色系列的入户门拔高到下一个层次。 对于外墙色系是温暖而中性的房子,漂亮的入户前门是将您在茫茫人群中脱颖而出的机会。 我的意思是,你好!
And since we're expressing ourselves more
these days, don't be afraid to take your pink door to the next level. With warm
neutral houses, the front door is your opportunity to stand out in the crowd. I
mean, hello!
如果您不想过于招摇也不想让人为之尖叫也没关系。 这是有着和上一种方案相同的立面颜色的房屋,但入户门选用了看起来十分友好的绿色。在室外园林背景衬托下, 一切都显得那么平静祥和。
It's okay too if you don't feel like
shouting. Here's the same house color with a friendly green door. The look is
polished but quiet and looks lovely with the landscaping.
这又是一套有着和上两种方案相同的立面颜色的房屋,这次是甜美的水蓝色的入户门。 它的存在使得房屋侧线线条的颜色感觉比原来略深,从而使得整个房屋的外观看起来更欢快,更令人放松。
Here's the same house color yet again,
this time with a sweet aqua blue door. It makes the siding feel a bit deeper
and the whole look is both cheerful and relaxing.
I'm sure you've seen the wedding cake
trend (houses painted all white) by now.
It's fun, it's cool, but I'm so glad
the trend is going to a creamier, more buttery white.
Front doors for white houses need to feel
confident and sophisticated. Choose something that's a touch muted and feels
为了软化深色门廊或沉重柱子的厚实外观,门厅采用浅色的墙壁和天花来降低整个区域的对比度。 然后选择一个很棒的前门颜色,这将是属于您的特色时刻。
趋势提醒: 这种蜂蜜芒果色,正是近来无论在内墙或者外墙面,越来越多人选用的颜色!这可以让您找寻到感觉时髦和快乐的方法!
To soften the chunky look of a dark porch
or heavy columns, lower the contrast for the entire area with a lighter color
for the walls and ceiling. Then choose a great door color because this will be
your feature moment.
alert! This honey mango color is on the rise for
both interior and exterior! Look for ways to incorporate it that make you feel
hip and happy!
Even traditional doors stands out in the
most lovely way with a softer background color for the porch.
to self: this is our most popular black
paint ever- Carbon!
这是做同样一件事情的另一种方法。 使用与装饰线条一致的颜色来装饰整个入户门厅(包括墙壁、天花、以及线条),并确保整体色调以及入户前门颜色,可以让人有着惊艳的感觉。
明亮的略带红色的蓝色仍然是非常流行。 您稍加留意,就会发现从汽车到橱柜,再到入户门,所有东西上都有这种超级乐观主义的颜色。
Here's another way to do the same thing.
Use the trim color for the entire porch (walls, ceiling, trim) and make sure
it's a hue that looks amazing with your front door.
alert #2 Bright reddish blues are still
popular. Notice this hyper optimistic color on everything from cars to cabinets
and well, front doors.
这是做同样一件事情的另一种方法。 使用与装饰线条一致的颜色来装饰整个入户门厅(包括墙壁、天花、以及线条),并确保整体色调以及入户前门颜色,可以让人有着惊艳的感觉。
趋势提醒2: 明亮的略带红色的蓝色仍然是非常流行。您稍加留意,就会发现从汽车到橱柜,再到入户门,所有东西上都有这种超级乐观主义的颜色。
这个配色方案适用于外墙颜色稍浅或稍深的房子。 它可以使房屋看起来空间感十足,并能突出您房屋的入户门厅区域。 这款具有强烈美式风格的颜色组合再一次体现了现代色彩的变化。
This plan works for lighter and darker
houses. It really opens up the space and shows off your front door. This
Americana combo is modern again with this shift in color placement.
BTW: all
of the colors on this red, white, and blue version are in THE Historic COLOR
SET, our newest fandeck with 110 timeless colors- It's my favorite deck right
这种又大又漂亮的门框看起来会更好看。 但即使是小一点或朴素一点的门框,这样的上色技巧也会让门看起来更宽广一些,看起来更有吸引力一些。 在以后的实践中我会尽可能多地使用这些技巧。
My favorite color placement for front
doors (and interior doors too!) is to make them feel bigger and better by
painting the door and trim the same color.
Big beautiful trim like this looks even
better. But even small and plain trim feels broader and looks more attractive
with this technique. I use it as often as possible.
更多的色彩灵感,您可以查看我们的配色方案和色彩趋势页面。 您可以大胆尝试您的想法,可以从我们的2000多种颜色中选择任何一个。
At the end of the day, coming home
to a house that helps you reset begins with just a lovely front door.
Don't worry about what others say
about it, and don't be afraid to try something a little unexpected. Colors that
make you feel happy about your home will always be in style.
For more color inspiration check
out our Color Schemes and Color Trends pages. And to try your bold ideas
without a commitment, try our COLOR Swatches in any of our over
2,000 colors.